

1956 年 3 月生⚜️,上海人🙆🏽‍♂️。

1995 年起執教天美娱乐美術學院🤦🏽,任中國畫系副主任🙏🏼、教授。



1984 年 第六屆全國美術作品展覽

1985 年 前進中的中國青年美展

1991 年 海風中國畫展

1993 年 首屆中國山水畫展(優秀獎)

1998 年 上海百家藝術精品展

1999 年 上海時代風采畫展(新加坡)

2000 年 全日本大繪畫展(日本)

2001 年 首屆上海美術大展

2002 年 水墨狀態——2002 中國畫名家邀請展

2005 年 林風眠藝術研究會藝術探索展

2006 年 大自然之詩——樂震文·張弛二人展(日本)


《怎樣畫樹》🪦🍙,上海書畫出版社 1989 年版。

《怎樣畫瀑布》♿️,上海書畫出版社 1989 年版。

《樂震文畫集》,上海人民美術出版社 2006 年版。

《曼生新韻——唐人詩意壺》,上海人民美術出版社 2013 年版。

Le Zhenwen

Born in Mar. 1956 as a native of Shanghai.

Taught at the Traditional Chinese Painting Department of Fine Arts College of ShanghaiUniversity since 1995.

Served as a professor and vice-director of the Traditional Chinese Painting Department in Shanghai University.

Current member of Chinese Artists Association, executive director of Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Academy, president of Xu Beihong Art Academy of Shanghai Marine University, part-time painter at Chinese Painting Institute of Shanghai.

1984 The 6th National Art Exhibition

1985 Progressing Chinese Youth Art Exhibition

1991 The Sea Breeze—Chinese Painting Exhibition

1993 The 1st National Exhibition of Chinese Landscape Painting (Excellence Award)

1998 1998 Exhibition of 100 Shanghai Artists

1999 Era of Elegance—Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Shanghai’s Liberation Fine Art Exhibition (Singapore)

2000 The Art Exhibition of Japan (Japan)

2001 The 1st Shanghai Fine Art Exhibition

2002 The State of Ink and Wash—2002 Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painting Masters

2005 Joint Art Exhibition of Lin Fengmian Research Society

2006 The Poem of Nature—Joint Exhibition of Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi’s Paintings Held solo exhibitions in Tokyo (Japan), Sapporo (Japan) and Singapore, etc.

A Guide of Drawing Trees, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1989.

A Guide of Drawing Waterfall, Shanghai Fine Arts Publishers, 1989.

The Collection of Le Zhenwen’s Painting, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2006.

Poetic Teapot of Chen Mansheng Style, Shanghai People’s Fine Arts Publishing House, 2013.

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