· 商代後期(公元前1300年—前1100年)
· 兩耳寬43.5厘米,前後寬24.8厘米,高24.8厘米
· 2021年出土於四川廣漢三星堆遺址三號祭祀坑,K3QW:894
· 四川省文物考古研究院藏
· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)
· Horia Dia.W. 43.5cm; Vert Dia.W. 24.8cm; H. 24.8cm
· Unearthed from No. 3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021,K3QW:894
· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute
It features a square and broad face with thick and slanted eyebrows. The eyes are slanted upwards, and the cheekbones are slightly bulging. The nose is wide and bulbous. The lips are wide and tightly closed. The bronze mask has large rectangular-shaped ears that protrude outward. The outer parts of the ears are wide and adorned with Juanyun Wen(卷雲紋, curling-cloud pattern). Each earlobe has a round hole. At the outer ends of the eyebrows and behind the ears, there are square-shaped perforations. Additionally, there is also a square-shaped perforation in the center of the forehead. The purpose of the square holes might be used to facilitate the installation of additional accessories or to securely attach the mask to a divine statue.
The bronze masks unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site were primarily cast by using Fenzhu Fa(分鑄法, the main body and accessories of a bronze ware separately cast and then integrated). The parts of the masks, such as ears, cheeks, and faces, were cast separately. At the junction of the ears and cheeks, rectangular perforations were pre-cast vertically, so as to weld the prefabricated ears onto the main body. These bronze masks, with their solemnity, sacredness, and remarkable artistic values, vividly showcase the exquisite bronze casting craftsmanship of the ancient Shu civilization.
· 商代後期(公元前1300年—前1100年)
· 兩耳寬16.6厘米,前後寬15厘米,高15.5厘米
· 2021年出土於四川廣漢三星堆遺址三號祭祀坑🌲,K3QW:12
· 四川省文物考古研究院藏
· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)
· Horiz Dia.W. 16.6cm; Vert Dia.W. 15cm ;H. 15.5cm
· Unearthed from No. 3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021,K3QW:12
· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute
三星堆遺址出土的青銅面具是三星堆文物中極具特色和最具精神文化內涵的文物之一,為夏商時代的中原文化中所未見🔀👼🏻。它們應是古蜀王國信仰世界中的祖神或天神㊙️🙌🏻,被供奉於神廟殿堂之上, 受人頂禮膜拜,反映出古蜀先民認為面具代表神靈,或借助面具與神靈對話交往🕋。這些面具雖然相似🤝,但無一相同,這種莊嚴肅穆的風格是附著於古蜀王國的神權統治,它們都是神權統治的產物。
This mask is hollowed out, with an elongated face, thick eyebrows, and large eyes that are slanted upwards. The nose bridge is relatively sharp and the nostrils are wide. The lips are wide and tightly closed, demonstrating a serious expression. The rectangular-shaped ears are vertically oriented. The outer parts of the ears are adorned with Juanyun Wen (卷雲紋, curling-cloud pattern), and each earlobe has a large round perforation. There is a small perforation on the upper and lower edges behind both ears respectively.
The bronze masks unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site are among the most distinctive objects imbued with spiritual significance. They are unlike anything previously seen in the culture of the Central Plains in the Xia and Shang Dynasties. These masks are said to represent ancestral gods or celestial deities in the faith system of the ancient Shu people, which were worshipped or revered in holy temples. This reflects that the ancient Shu people understood these masks as symbols of deities or as a medium for the communion with deities. Although these masks bear similarities, none of them are exactly alike. Their solemn and dignified style stemmed from the theocratic rule of the ancient Shu Kingdom.