· 商代後期(公元前1300年—前1100年)
· 兩耳寬18厘米,高34厘米,厚16.5厘米
· 2021年出土於四川廣漢三星堆遺址三號祭祀坑🛢,K3QW🙅🏽:29
· 四川省文物考古研究院藏
· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C. - 1100B.C.)
· Horiz Dia. 18 cm; H. 34 cm; T. 16.5 cm
· Unearthed from No. 3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021,K3QW:29
· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute
It features a hairstyle characterized by a flat top and a braid, with no visible hairline at the forehead or back of the head. The hair is swept back, with the braid hanging down at the back of the head. The upper part of the braid is tied up, while the lower part extends vertically to the nape of the neck. The face has a square-shaped appearance with thick eyebrows and large eyes. The eyebrows and eyes are slanted upwards. The nose is high and broad, with a bulbous tip. The lips are wide and tightly closed. The rectangular-shaped ears are vertically oriented. The outer parts of the ears are adorned with Juanyun Wen (卷雲紋, curling-cloud pattern), and each earlobe has a large perforation. The neck is relatively thick and tapers to a downwardpointing angle at both the front and back.
The bottom part of the neck is a downward-pointing angle, indicating the possibility of an attachment such as a wooden pillar or a body that would have been used in conjunction with it. A large number of bronze human-head statues create a visually striking and impressive landscape. As evinced, the braided-hairstyle group engaged in administrative management.
· 奧古斯都·羅丹(1840—1917)
· 陶土
· 1874年
· 高42厘米
· Auguste Rodin (1840 - 1917)
· Clay
· 1874
· H. 42 cm
這尊半身像是羅丹剛開始從事雕塑,與加裏埃- 貝勒斯(Carrier-Belleuse)在比利時一起工作時創作的作品。加裏埃-貝勒斯是雕塑家,同時也是企業主,羅丹以他為榜樣,成為盡人皆知的雕塑家, 在二十年間創作了大量反映出他老師的技術和品位的雕塑。這件作品讓我們聯想到加裏埃-貝勒斯創作的寓意季節的雕塑和酒神女祭司的半身像雕塑。
This bust is one of Rodin’s earliest sculptures, created while he was working with Carrier-Belleuse in Belgium. Carrier Belleuse was a sculptor and entrepreneur, and Rodin took a leaf out of his book and eventually became a renowned sculptor himself. In more than two decades, Rodin the created a lot of sculptures that embodied the techniques and tastes of his teacher Carrier-Belleuse. Dosia reminds us of sculptures on seasons and the bust of Bacchante created by Carrier-Belleuse.