“青銅之光”展品解讀 | 青銅頂尊跪坐人像肩部龍形飾&青銅蛇頭

2024-01-02 20:31:55     瀏覽量:   





· 商代後期(公元前1300年—前1100年)

· 長25厘米👨🏼‍💼,寬9厘米,高14厘米

· 2021年出土於四川廣漢三星堆遺址三號祭祀坑,K3QW:26-2

· 四川省文物考古研究院藏

· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)

· L.25cm;W.9cm;H.14cm

· Unearthed from No.3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021, K3QW:26-2

· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute



The bronze kneeling figure with a Zun-vessel on its head consists of two parts, i.e. the bronze round-rimed Zun-vessel and the kneeling figure. The upper part is a round-rimed Zun-vessel with a ring foot and a rounded body, adorned with animal mask patterns both on the belly and foot, and the patterns are separated by Feileng(扉棱, protruding edges). The lower part is a  figure in a kneeling position with both arms raised in front of its body and its hands clasped forwards, and the legs are in a kneeling posture with holes in the knees. The two parts were separately cast and then welded together as a whole. The roundrimed Zun-vessel is adorned with three-dimensional dragon decorations in two types. The ox-headed dragon decoration is distributed at the center of the animal-face pattern on the belly. The decoration was cast independently and then welded onto the main body. The ox head is large, with round eyes, high horns, protruding ears, and a small ring dangling from the mouth,  possibly used to hang other objects. The eye sockets and patterns are depicted using incised lines, highlighting the eyes and  creating a strong decorative effect. The dragon has an upright neck, and its chest is connected with the Zun-vessel using a short column. It also has a raised trunk, two wings on both sides, and a curled tail. The other decoration is an animal-headed  dragon corresponding to Feileng(扉棱, protruding edges) on the belly. This dragon features an animal head, a big open mouth, exposed and sharp teeth, and a short neck, with front claws resting on the shoulder-belly junction of the Zun-vessel. The trunk is raised, attached to the neck of the Zun-vessel, and decorated with Quzhe Wen (曲折紋, curved-line pattern).  There are three sets of dragon-shaped decorations, totaling six pieces.

Bronze vessels, such as Zun (bronze ritual vessel) and Lei (bronze wine vessel), unearthed from the Sanxingdui Site, generally contain valuable items such as seashells and jades. This bronze kneeling figure with a Zun-vessel on its head symbolizes the wealth and authority of the ruling class, and materializes the sacrificial activities in the ancient Shu Kingdom. It unveils the creativity of our ancestors, and substantiates that the ancient Shu civilization constitutes an important part of Chinese  civilization.


· 商代後期(公元前1300年—前1100年)

· 長34厘米👨‍🔬☛,寬10厘米🕣☸️,高10.5厘米

· 2021年出土於四川廣漢三星堆遺址三號祭祀坑🧑🏻‍🦽,K3QW:444

· 四川省文物考古研究院藏

· Late Shang Dynasty (1300B.C.-1100B.C.)

· L.34cm; W.10cm; H.10.5cm

· Unearthed from No.3 sacrificial pit at the Sanxingdui Site in Guanghan, Sichuan, in 2021, K3QW:444

· Collection of Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Research Institute


The bronze snake’s broad head tilts slightly upward, with ears on top, long eyes, round bulging eyeballs, and one loop handles below its neck. The snake’s body is adorned with diamond-shaped Yun Wen (雲紋, cloud-shaped pattern). The head and back originally had protrusions but are now missing. It looks that the loop handles below its neck are used to hang sacred items for reverence. With other similar objects as a reference, this item should have been cast in three sections, with rivet holes cast at the connection part before pouring molten bronze for riveting.














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